Helping your pet live a long and healthy life is our goal. Wellness care offers significant benefits throughout all stages of your pet’s life. Wellness examinations can help us detect any early signs of disease processes that can put your best friend at risk.
Wellness care starts as early as 6 weeks of age. We recommend having the health of your new puppy/kitten evaluated as soon as you get them so we can get them started on life-saving vaccinations and preventives.
See our puppy/kitten and wellness plans for bundled savings.
6-8 Weeks:
Parvo/distemper vaccine
Intestinal parasite screening
Starting heartworm/flea prevention
9-11 Weeks:
Parvo/distemper vaccine
Bordetella vaccine
Intestinal parasite screening
(if positive on previous screening)Deworming
(if positive on previous screening)Next dose of heartworm/flea prevention
12-14 Weeks:
Parvo/distemper vaccine with lepto vaccine
Rabies vaccine
Intestinal parasite screening
(if positive on previous screening)Next dose of heartworm/flea prevention
15-17 Weeks:
Parvo/distemper vaccine with lepto vaccine
Next dose of heartworm/flea prevention
6-8 Weeks:
FVRCP vaccine
Intestinal parasite screening
FeLV/FIV testing (if 8 weeks old)
Starting heartworm/flea prevention
9-11 Weeks:
FVRCP vaccine
FeLV vaccine
- Intestinal parasite screening
(if positive on previous screening) Next dose of heartworm/flea prevention
12-14 Weeks:
FVRCP vaccine
FeLV vaccine
Next dose of heartworm/flea prevention

Dogs 1-7 Years Old
Annual physical examination
Parvo/distemper with lepto, rabies, and bordetella*
* recommend a booster for Bordetella every 6 monthsIntestinal Parasite Screening
Heartworm testing and prevention
Screening wellness bloodwork
Dental examinations and cleaning if needed
Cats 1-7 Years Old
Annual physical examination
- Vaccinations
FVRCP, Rabies, FeLV*
* FeLV is recommended if outdoor cat Intestinal Parasites Screening
Heartworm testing and prevention
FeLV/FIV testing*
* if not performed as a kitten or cat goes outsideMicrochipping
Screening wellness bloodwork
Dental examinations and cleaning if needed
Dogs 8+ Years Old
Bi-Annual physical examinations
Parvo/distemper with lepto*, rabies, and Bordetella*
* Parvo/distemper with lepto is recommended only if the pet is at risk
** recommend a booster for Bordetella every 6 monthsIntestinal Parasites Screening
Heartworm testing and prevention
Thorough senior wellness bloodwork
Dental examinations and cleaning if needed
Cats 8+ Years Old
Bi-Annual physical examinations
FVRCP*, Rabies, FeLV**
* FVRCP is recommended only if the pet is at risk
** FeLV is recommended if outdoor catIntestinal Parasites Screening
Heartworm testing and prevention
FeLV/FIV testing*
* if not performed as a kitten or cat goes outsideMicrochipping
Thorough senior wellness bloodwork
Dental examinations and cleaning if needed